Recipe Page Now Live!

It's been over a month since my last post, and I'm sure you've all been dying to know what I've been doing with my time. Well, aside from stressing out over selling an apartment, looking for a new full-time job and picking up a minor in landscaping for my Ma, I've been dedicating my spare time to writing up recipes.
This is no easy feat, most of all because I rarely write down what I cook. It's not exactly the greatest habit for one who dreams of publishing a cookbook, now is it? But, without going into too much detail, I've been given a deadline regarding a handful of dishes, and the product of that deadline will be decided by the food gods later this year. In the meantime, it has been a terrific self-imposed project to get the recipe tab on this site off the ground.
The boring part of this is just that - boring. The domain company I use is extremely tedious and difficult to use, so while I intended to knock your socks off with, like, a gazillion recipes right off the bat, there's just a couple during this test-drive mode. Keep checking back for more updates, send me feedback on what you think, criticize my eyeballed measurements, and most importantly, try out the recipes! Head on over to that tab or click here for instant recipe gratification.